
The main purpose of this website is to support Android indie game developers with tutorials, reviews and promotion of their games. The main difficulty for the developers is not to make the game, but to get exposure. To get it out there. If you find anything useful here, please spread the word. Like my page on Facebook, follow me on Google+ or Twitter. Thank you!

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Tuesday 15 October 2013

Promote your Android Game for Free

Because Kulíš is in fact a bird, it's only natural that it tweets! I am only now discovering Twitter, but with the help of Jason Mayes and his awesome Twitter Fetcher, I was able to add a nice and lightweight Twitter feed to the right sidebar.

Since adding new tweets is so easy, having a Twitter widget gives me an opportunity to tweet about interesting small indie games from everywhere, anytime. I am slowly getting more and more readers and now I can use that to promote your games. If you are interested to have a mention about your game here on the site for a while, read on!

How is it going to work

  1. Follow my Twitter, Google+ or like my Facebook. This is required to get more readers. We have this nice proverb in Czech: "Not even a chicken rakes for free", which loosely translates as "There's nothing as free lunch"
  2. Tweet about your game with a mention of my Twitter @KulisAndroid, or post it on my Facebook, or Google+. Twitter is preferred, because it is the easiest, but I undertand that not everyone has a Twitter account. Alternatively send it to my mail
  3. I will read your tweet/post and if it is a real tweet about a game, I will retweet it or tweet it myself
  4. It will immediately appear on this site and stay until I tweet N more times, where N = 5 right now.

Requiremerents for a game to be tweeted

It should be an indie game and it should be interesting. It doesn't have to be complete. I will tweet about interesting projects as well. Your tweet should contain a link to the game in Google Play store or your website with further info. Link to a forum post where you have information about the game is fine as long as it is descriptive.

If I like your game a lot, it might be reviewed as well, but I prefer if you submit the game for review separately. Games that are reviewed will be automatically tweeted.
Martin Varga is a Czech software developer who likes pygmy owls (hence Kulíš), running, ramen, travelling and living in foreign countries. He is also known as smartus or sm4 on the internet (read as smartass, but there are too many of them). He currently tries to make games in AndEngine like Mr. Dandelion's Adventures and hangs around a lot at the AndEngine forums.